Thursday 30 April 2015

14) Architecture and Transgression: An Interview with Bernard Tschumi, by Mosley, J and S, Rachel

Bernards Tschumi states that the general pubic will almost always stand behind the traditionalists as to them architecture is about comfort and shelter, bricks and motar. However he also rightfully points out that architects must be willing to challenge these ideas that society has in order to change people’s way of thinking. In his famous essay  ‘Architecture and Transgression” he provokes architects to explore more than just the rules of architecture and confront where those rules are transgressed. These teachings are very relevant to my work and should provoke me to explore more than just the ‘rules’ of architecture.

Interestingly Bernard also points out that we live in a world of images, where we all have Iphones and Ipads and are bombarded with images. It is intriguing to see how ‘iconism’ has been transferred to architecture and how people are constructing visual images in their building. He outlines that this is causing architecture to lose its transgressive quality and that if we just focus on what a building looks like, the multi-sensory experience of the architecture as built and occupied is lost. This idea is very transferable to my work as an interior architect, it is easy to get carried away with the appearance of a building and trying to lure people in, when in reality the users experience within the space and this should always be the driving force of my design.

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