Thursday 30 April 2015

10) Abstract Neo-Plasticity and Its Architectural Manifestation in the Luis Barragan House/Studio of 1947, The Mathematical Intelligencer, January 2009, Volume 31, Issue 1, pp 63-72,

Barragan’s house interplays with abstract planes and bold masses. The way he uses bold colours and moveable planes, gives him some control over visitors. It seems quite rare to see an architect using such bold colours to define a building, as well as form and light.

There is a sense of fluidity in the space with the exposed pine ceiling extending beyond the boundaries of the individual partitioned rooms. The stairway is also lacking a handle, which adds to the flowing movement of the space. All this movement and colour found inside the house creates a strong contrast with the external façade, which is composed of high concrete walls all around the building with only a few windows and doors. I do not like this aspect of the design and feel that the high walls surrounding the patio cause the space to feel claustrophobic. I think the building looks very dull and uninviting from the outside and that there needs to be a more of a link between the elements.

Casa Luis Barragan (Joelle, 2013)

Image reference: 
Joelle, (2013), Casa Luis Barragan [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 17 January 15]. 

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