Thursday 30 April 2015

13) Radical Post-Modernism and Content: Charles Jencks and Rem Koolhaas Debate the Issue, [electronic resource]

The radical post-modern period was an interesting one, in which individuals challenged procedures and refused to limit the truth to its rational dimensions. It made way for emotions and intuitions without particular regard to religions or ideologies.

Rem Koolhass shared motives with Le Corbusier of having clear routes through buildings, for example in his CCTV building and the Dutch Embassy. I agree strongly with his views that a route needs to be the driving force of a space that is an accessible conversation piece for visitors, which in hand makes the users work easier. I think it is very effective how as people pass through the Dutch Embassy they are subtly reminded of recent historical events, with the displays on the walls of communism, Catholicism and Nazism.

Looking at the iconic anti-skyscraper CCTV building in Beijing, it has changed the architectural image of China's capital city. The building is truly inspiring and shows how much can be achieved with great engineering, with the two 6° leaning towers bent at 90 ° to form a continuous loop.

Beijing's CCTVb building (McMahon, 2012)

Image reference: 
Nathaniel McMahon, (2012), Beijing's CCTVb building [ONLINE]. Available at:[Accessed 08 March 15].

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